Two Tanner De Witt teams emerge victorious in HK Centre for Pro Bono Service Quiz
03May2019It was an intellectual evening for the books on Thursday 25 April as the HK Centre for Pro Bono Service hosted its inaugural Quiz Night at Canny Man Bar. In true supportive fashion, Tanner De Witt entered two teams in this eleven-team tournament, and both TDW teams placed first and second respectively!

Congratulations to Team Beyonce Know’Alls (Elizabeth Seymour-Jones, Joanne Lam, Stephanie Lok and Raymond Ko) on reigning supreme and Team Trivia Dumb Witts (Anthony Hill, Troy Greig, Tara Chan, Tim Au and Charmaine Mirandilla) on placing second.
Tanner De Witt looks forward to defending its two titles at the next quiz night!
About the HK Centre for Pro Bono Service
The Hong Kong Centre for Pro Bono Service Limited is an independent non-profit organization established in Hong Kong. Their mission is to assist and empower the impoverished, distressed or vulnerable in our community, who are marginalised or disadvantaged due to a lack of financial or other resources and who cannot adequately protect, advance or represent their own rights and interests.
For more information about our community efforts, please visit our Community page.