News & Media
AI Impact Assessments: A practical guide for businesses
As AI becomes broadly integrated into enterprise applications and adopted by businesses, impact assessments before the adoption of AI driven technology will be essential – whether as a requirement of law or as prudent risk management and awareness. In this article, we highlight key principles…Read More
Tanner De Witt’s team of lawyers recognised in Legal 500
Thrilled to be announcing our exceptional team of lawyers recognised in Legal 500.
Tanner De Witt at the Singapore Insolvency Conference 2023
Ian De Witt and Robin Darton represent Tanner De Witt at the Singapore Insolvency Conference 2023. Their participation showcases our commitment to staying abreast of industry trends and fostering meaningful connections with the insolvency community.
Is a hand written signed will without witnesses valid?
Recently, I have been asked if we can obtain a grant of representation based on a will hand-written and executed by the testator but without the formal requirements of having two witnesses signing at the same time. Incidentally, a decision in the recent case of…Read More
Don’t neglect your visa expiry date: the serious consequences of overstaying in Hong Kong
In this article, we discuss the consequences of overstaying your visa in Hong Kong. In a related article (An Overview of 3 Common Immigration Offences in Hong Kong – Overstaying, Making False Representation and Employment of Illegal Workers (, we discussed the law relating to…Read More
Foreign plaintiffs must pay security for costs? Not always.
Tanner De Witt secures victory for a foreign plaintiff against defendant’s intended appeal to Court of Appeal, following defeating a claim for security for costs In the decision handed down by The Honourable Mr Justice Wilson Chan on 20 October 2023 in XY, LLC v…Read More
Tanner De Witt is excited to support the Hong Kong Legal Walk
Tanner De Witt is excited to support the Hong Kong Legal Walk again this year. A team of us have kicked it off by doing a group walk along the harbourside from Quarry Bay to the Central Piers. This year, The Hong Kong Legal Walk aims to…Read More
Tanner De Witt Dress Pink Day
We hosted a Pink Party in support of the Hong Kong Cancer Fund‘s Dress Pink Day. The Dress Pink Day aims to bring awareness and support to the fund’s free breast cancer services and patient post-surgery recovery. Congratulations to Natalie Lam and Veronica Chan for winning the Best Dressed and Most Creative…Read More
VATP regulation in Hong Kong: The transitional arrangements
The regulation of virtual asset trading platforms (VATP) was introduced in Hong Kong at a time when a number of these trading platforms were already operating in Hong Kong. The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has helpfully outlined a roadmap to facilitate those businesses, or…Read More
To Join or Not to Join – Navigating the Complexities of Beneficial Interests in Divorce Proceedings
Divorce, an intensely personal affair, extends its ramifications beyond the couple involved, touching the lives of family members and friends alike. This repercussion becomes even more profound when one spouse assumes the role of a trustee for assets or when matrimonial assets are held in…Read More
Background check: Seeking a Certificate of No Criminal Conviction in Hong Kong and the rehabilitation of offenders with a criminal record
Hong Kong is a sophisticated First World city with huge finance and professional service industries. This often leads to enquiries concerning the proof of individuals’ backgrounds. However, the system in Hong Kong for proving a clear criminal record is not easy or convenient to use,…Read More
PCPD joins international efforts to scrap scraping
In this legal update, we report that the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data in Hong Kong (“PCPD”) has joined with eleven other privacy authorities across the globe to issue a joint statement on 24 August 2023 calling for awareness and action from social media platforms…Read More