Legal Updates


Legal update: How to do business in China

There are various ways for a foreign (including Hong Kong) company or business to set up a presence in mainland China. A basic presence can be established in China though a representative office. However, a representative office may not engage in direct business (profit-making) operations…Read More


Legal update: Banking Matters – Geared Funds

The Henley Group has never recommended geared investment products to its clients but we often come across individuals that do have such products. This article looks at why more and more investors with such products are coming to realise that they may have misunderstood the…Read More


Legal update: Legal and Workplace Implications of Avian Influenza

Hong Kong has already experienced Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) during which there were 898 cases and 179 deaths. The insurance industry paid out over HK$105.28M in SARS related claims, the largest category of payments since Typhoon York struck in September 1999. Many believe there…Read More


Legal update: Are Hong Kong’s Tenants Being Left Out in the Cold?

Post-SARS Hong Kong is experiencing a revival in the residential property market, with many people taking the plunge and buying their first apartment. However, for a large majority of the population, particularly the expatriate community, renting a flat is the most practical option. The rights…Read More


Legal Update: A Practical Guide to Construction Insurance Claims

Introduction The basic concept of construction insurance is simple. Insurance transfers the risk of defined unforeseen events from the contractor to its insurers. However, a combination of poor drafting, a failure to ensure that the insurance contract reflects the construction contract and an increasingly complex…Read More


Legal update: Leading case of negligence by an investment adviser sets standard of care

Field v Barber Asia Last week the Hong Kong Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal by Barber Asia Limited, an SFC-licensed professional investment advisor, to try to overturn an earlier Judgment where Barber Asia were found to have been negligent when advising an investor, Ms…Read More