Joanne Brown


Popping the question and sealing the deal: nuptial agreements since SPH

The Court of Final Appeal endorsed nuptial agreements in Hong Kong, in SPH v SA (2014) 17 HKCFAR 364, [2014] HKCFA 56. “Full weight” should now be given to a pre or post nuptial agreement, provided that it was not vitiated in some way, provided…Read More


Legal update: Home alone in Hong Kong

At what age can children stay at home without parental supervision? In Hong Kong there is no clear-cut rule identifying the age at which a minor child can remain in the home unsupervised. Asia Times reported in January 2018 that a mother was arrested after…Read More


Mark Side and Joanne Brown attend 7th LAWASIA Family Law & Children’s Rights Conference

Partners Mark Side and Joanne Brown are in Vientiane, Laos this week to attend the 7th LAWASIA Family Law & Children’s Rights Conference. Held on 7 to 8 June, the Conference will welcome family lawyers from all over the APAC region to discuss the following…Read More


Legal obstacles to surrogacy remain in Hong Kong

Surrogacy is becoming an increasingly popular option for families hoping to start a family in Hong Kong. The acceptance of non-traditional family structures, increased access to reproductive technologies and cheaper international travel mean that surrogacy is no longer always altruistic, and it is less frequently…Read More