Global Conference on the Recovery of Child Support and Family Maintenance in Asia Pacific
11Nov2015Tanner De Witt is pleased to announce our family practice lawyer, Joanne Brown, will be participating in the Global Conference on the Recovery of Child Support and Family Maintenance in Asia Pacific this week. They will also be attending the Third Children’s Issues Forum at the Chinese University of Hong Kong on Friday.
About the Global Conference on the Recovery of Child Support and Family Maintenance in Asia Pacific
The Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH), through its Asia Pacific Regional Office, will hold a global conference on the recovery of child support and family maintenance in Hong Kong from 9 to 11 November 2015 at The University of Hong Kong.
The event is jointly sponsored by the HCCH and the Department of Justice of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, in collaboration with a number of other partners. This international conference not only provides an opportunity to discuss the dynamic development of family law and policy in the Asia Pacific region, but also represents an excellent occasion for key players in the field throughout the world to meet colleagues, make new contacts, expand networks and fill knowledge gaps. The meeting will allow for the further building of a global professional network in the child support / family maintenance field and for the follow-up on the 5-8 March 2013 Heidelberg Conference on the International Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide. It will include exciting academic and hands-on workshops and lectures.
About the Third Children’s Issues Forum at the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Following the success of the Second Children’s Issues Forum held in 2012, this two day international multi-disciplinary, collaborative forum brings together members of the local and overseas judiciary and legal profession, government officials from Hong Kong and overseas, health care and child protection professionals, and community and non-profit organizations to consider important issues relating to the welfare, well-being and safety of Hong Kong children. A key focus of the Third Children’s Issues Forum is practices around the world that promote the best interests of children and allow their voices to be effectively heard and considered.
Day 1 of the Forum considers recent legislative and judicial developments in Hong Kong including the proposed Children’s Bill and the international approach and perspective to similar legislation in other jurisdictions.
Day 2 of the Forum starts off with focus on specific issues affecting children including a review of the Children’s Dispute Resolution Process and representing children’s perspectives. In the afternoon, the Forum will focus on frontline experience with child poverty, leading to a review of data and policy opportunities in Hong Kong and internationally.