Family Law
Benchmark Litigation 2021 rankings announced for Asia-Pacific
We are delighted to announce that we have once again been included in Benchmark Litigation’s 2021 Asia-Pacific rankings. It’s another milestone year for us as we are ranked in five categories this year, compared to four last year and two the year prior. Our awards…Read More
What is a Deed of Guardianship and why is it important?
Members of our Wills, Probate and Trusts team answer some common questions about Deeds of Guardianship and why they are necessary. What is a Deed of Guardianship and how is it different from having guardianship provisions under a will? In the event of both parents…Read More
Covid-19: Can children be separated from parents during quarantine? (March 2021 update)
This is an update to an article that was published in April 2020. Recently, an international school teacher tested positive after being linked to a spreading gym cluster. Consequently, a class of 8- to 9-year-old students were sent to the government quarantine centre. Following intervention…Read More
Relocation amidst a pandemic: COVID-19 and a wish to permanently leave Hong Kong with children
23 January 2021 marks the one year anniversary of the confirmation that COVID-19 has spread to Hong Kong. In a year filled with uncertainties and challenges, following on from a year of protests in Hong Kong, our Family Practice has seen an increase in enquiries,…Read More
Results of 2021 Chambers Asia-Pacific Guide announced
Tanner De Witt is delighted once again to be recognised by Chambers & Partners in their 2021 Asia-Pacific Guide for each of its main practice areas. Corporate/M&A: Independent Hong Kong Firms (Band 2) Full ranking here. What the team is known for Covers the full range of…Read More
Tanner De Witt’s Family practice joins the HKFLA Christmas Quiz
On Tuesday 1 December, Tanner De Witt’s Family practice donned festive headgear and got ready for one of the top social events of the season – the Hong Kong Family Law Association’s Christmas Quiz. This year’s Quiz was held over Zoom due to ongoing social…Read More
Award win for Tanner De Witt’s Family practice as the firm is recognised as Asian Legal Business’s BDO Matrimonial and Family Law Firm of the Year 2020
We announce with great pleasure that our Family practice was recognised – out of a group of nine Hong Kong law firms – as the BDO Matrimonial and Family Law Firm of the Year in the 19th Annual ALB Hong Kong Law Awards on Friday…Read More
40th Anniversary of Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
Monday, 25 October 2020 marked the 40th anniversary of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (the Convention). The Convention is given effect in Hong Kong in 1997 by the Child Abduction and Custody Ordinance (Cap. 512) (CACO). The objectives of…Read More
Radmacher v Granatino, 10 years on: revisiting the landmark case on nuptial agreements
Nuptial agreements have often been met with conflicting views. For the romantics, the idea of entering into a nuptial agreement may suggest planning for an imminent divorce. For the cautious and financially prudent, it can be seen to be a sensible financial and succession planning…Read More
Joanne Brown now an accredited HKMAAL Family Mediator
We are delighted to announce that Joanne Brown, Partner and Head of the Family department, is now accredited by the Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Limited (HKMAAL) as a Family Mediator. What is Mediation? “Mediation is a flexible process conducted confidentially in which a neutral…Read More
Legal update: Two equality rights cases ruled on by High Court on 18 September 2020
The High Court today handed down two decisions concerning same-sex rights in Hong Kong. Ng Hon Lam Edgar v Secretary for Justice [2020] HKCFI 2412 In the Judgment of the Honourable Mr Justice Anderson Chow, the High Court today ruled in favour of Mr Edgar…Read More
Asialaw 2021 rankings announced
Tanner De Witt is delighted to announce Asialaw’s 2021 rankings of domestic law firms which can be found here. All practices and lawyers have maintained their rankings from the previous year. Our 2021 awards are as follows: OutstandingLabour & EmploymentRestructuring and Insolvency Highly RecommendedCorporate and…Read More