Family Law
Tanner De Witt Family and Matrimonial Lawyer (NQ-4PQE)
THIS POSITION HAS BEEN FILLED. WE ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS. Job Description Tanner De Witt is a business law firm based in Hong Kong, which provides legal services to clients worldwide who have business interests in Hong Kong, China and the Asia Pacific Region….Read More
Tanner De Witt supports Hong Kong Family Law Association’s 30th Year Anniversary Celebrations
Tanner De Witt was proud to support the Hong Kong Family Law Association’s 30th Year Anniversary Celebration 2016. Following our silver sponsorship of the HKFLA 30th Anniversary Cocktail held at the Helena May on Thursday 10 November which was attended by Head of our Matrimonial…Read More
Police arrest procedures for breaches of Injunction Orders made against violent spouses and cohabitants under the Domestic and Cohabitation Relationships Violence Ordinance Cap 189
Introduction The Hong Kong Police Force recently reviewed procedures for the handling of cases involving breach of an Injunction Order with an authorisation of arrest attached made under the Domestic and Cohabitation Relationships Violence Ordinance (Cap 189) (“DCRVO”). Injunction order Section 3 of the DCRVO…Read More
Legal update: An introduction to Parental Alienation
Introduction Parental alienation refers to alignment of a child with one parent whilst rejecting a relationship with the other “without legitimate justification”1. This often results from the continued denigration of one parent by the other to the child / children of the family. In doing…Read More
Why appoint an Enduring Power of Attorney?
Individuals can make arrangements to appoint other persons responsible in the event that a loss of mental capacity causes an inability to manage his or her own financial affairs such as in the case of dementia. A document known as Enduring Power of Attorney (“EPOA”)…Read More
Ancillary relief: the case of short marriage between young couples without children
The Court of Appeal judgement in AVT v VNT [2015] HKEC 1298 is a good example of the departure from equal sharing of matrimonial assets in the case of a short and childless marriage. This case concerns a medium-sized estate and a comfortable standard of…Read More
The Child Abduction Legislation
The Child Abduction Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Ordinance 2014 (the “Amendment Ordinance”) recently came into operation on 5 April 2016 to expand the scope of application of the current Child Abduction and Custody Ordinance (Cap 512) (“CACO”) to strengthen the powers of the courts and law…Read More
Legal update: Children’s Dispute Resolution in Hong Kong
Children’s Dispute Resolution, Practice Direction 15.13 becomes a permanent feature of Hong Kong Family Court practice. The Pilot Scheme on Children’s Dispute Resolution which began on 3 October 2012 came to an end on 31 March 2016 with Practice Direction 15.13 being formally adopted from…Read More
Legal update: The Collaborative Divorce: A new approach
Is the collaborative approach right for you? Do you trust yourself and your partner to prioritise the needs of your family? Do you trust yourself and your partner to be open about your financial situation? Are you able to communicate with your partner openly and…Read More
Legal wedding checklist when preparing for marriage
Marriage is a legal matter. An important part of marital planning is to ensure that the implications of marriage on your legal status are well considered with ample time before the wedding. Planning takes time. Time will be short as the big day approaches. Consider…Read More
Marrying rich? Better safe than sorry.
Ranking 3rd in Forbes’s “Cities With The Most Billionaires In 2015”, it is common for married couples in Hong Kong to live lavishly through the generosity of family members but with no absolute entitlement to wealth. This begs the million dollar question, for spouses who…Read More
Validity and need for registration of foreign marriage in Hong Kong
When people speak of a white wedding, they used to mean the colour of the bride’s dress. Now they are just as likely to be talking about the colour of the sand on the exotic beach where the ceremony was held. A survey has claimed…Read More