Radmacher v Granatino, 10 years on: revisiting the landmark case on nuptial agreements
Nuptial agreements have often been met with conflicting views. For the romantics, the idea of entering into a nuptial agreement may suggest planning for an imminent divorce. For the cautious and financially prudent, it can be seen to be a sensible financial and succession planning…Read More
Joanne Brown now an accredited HKMAAL Family Mediator
We are delighted to announce that Joanne Brown, Partner and Head of the Family department, is now accredited by the Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Limited (HKMAAL) as a Family Mediator. What is Mediation? “Mediation is a flexible process conducted confidentially in which a neutral…Read More
Legal update: Two equality rights cases ruled on by High Court on 18 September 2020
The High Court today handed down two decisions concerning same-sex rights in Hong Kong. Ng Hon Lam Edgar v Secretary for Justice [2020] HKCFI 2412 In the Judgment of the Honourable Mr Justice Anderson Chow, the High Court today ruled in favour of Mr Edgar…Read More
Asialaw 2021 rankings announced
Tanner De Witt is delighted to announce Asialaw’s 2021 rankings of domestic law firms which can be found here. All practices and lawyers have maintained their rankings from the previous year. Our 2021 awards are as follows: OutstandingLabour & EmploymentRestructuring and Insolvency Highly RecommendedCorporate and…Read More
I do… agree to get divorced
My spouse and I agree to dissolve our marriage. Should I file a petition based on the fact of One Year Separation with Consent or should we apply under for divorce under a joint application? If you and your spouse have to come to agreement…Read More
BMC v BGC formerly known as WCY [2020] HKCA 317
In an interesting decision handed down recently, the Court of Appeal dismissed a father’s appeal brought against a first instance judgment dismissing his application for the return of his child to the USA from Hong Kong. The application for return was brought under the Child…Read More
Joanne Brown and Kim Boreham featured in Expat Living magazine
Partners Joanne Brown and Kim Boreham have been featured in Expat Living Magazine‘s Autumn issue in an article about families and the pandemic. As Head of the Family and Private Client practice, Joanne answered some readers’ questions on how to navigate tricky family situations created/exacerbated…Read More
Advancing Private Adjudication of financial disputes in matrimonial and family proceedings
The first Private Family Adjudication (‘PFA’) was held recently in Hong Kong. It reportedly ran smoothly and led to a swift decision. It prevented a significant delay in ancillary relief trial proceedings, which had been adjourned due to the impact of Covid-19 on the Courts….Read More
Benchmark Litigation again ranks Tanner De Witt highly, listing twice as many practice groups as previous rankings
Partners Ian De Witt, Robin Darton and Jeff Lane were also selected as “Litigation Stars” in dispute resolution Tanner De Witt is delighted to be ranked Tier 1 for Insolvency, Tier 2 for Commercial and Transactions, Recommended in Private client – Domestic firms, and recognised…Read More
Can the novel coronavirus form a defence to international child abduction?
An interesting decision is now available in respect of a child removed by her mother from Spain, her place of habitual residence and the subsequent application by her father for her return brought under legislation incorporating the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child…Read More
Joanne Brown is a Recommended Family and Divorce Lawyer in Hong Kong 2020 Doyle’s Guide
Partner Joanne Brown, Head of the Tanner De Witt Family Practice, is recommended as one of only twenty other leading Hong Kong Family and Divorce lawyers by Doyle’s Guide 2020. To reach Joanne, please find her contact information here: Joanne BrownPartner | E-mail About Joanne Joanne…Read More
Relocation applications: I want to relocate permanently from Hong Kong with my children but my former spouse will not consent
There comes a time for many when it is time to bid a fond farewell to Hong Kong. For divorced families, this can be problematic as orders on children’s arrangements will usually include a direction that a child may not be removed from Hong Kong…Read More