Corporate and Commercial Law


Tanner De Witt recognised by IFLR 1000’s Financial and Corporate Rankings 2016

We are pleased to announce that Tanner De Witt has achieved a Tier 1 ranking for Insolvency and Restructuring and has been recognised for its Corporate and Commercial and Financial services regulatory practice areas in the 2016 edition of the IFLR rankings. The IFLR1000 – The…Read More


Company Formation, Registration and Management

Formation of Hong Kong companies We can provide ready formed Hong Kong companies for a client’s immediate use. Alternatively and preferably (if our client can wait approximately ten days, being the period of time that it takes the Companies Registry of Hong Kong to form…Read More


Recent case confirms Joint Ventures cannot be prosecuted under the Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations

Tanner De Witt Legal Update, December 2005 On 1 December 2005, the Court of First Instance, in HKSAR – v – Hyundai Engineering Construction Company Limited and China Engineering Construction Corporation Joint Venture decided that an unincorporated joint venture could not be prosecuted under the…Read More


The Time Is Ripe: Introducing a Corporate Rescue Procedure

Introduction On May 13 2009 Secretary for Financial Services and Treasury Professor KC Chan announced that the government is considering the introduction of a new corporate rescue procedure that would provide a statutory grace period for companies facing short-term financial difficulty, allowing them to restructure…Read More


Doing business in Hong Kong

Introduction On 1 July 1997, sovereignty over Hong Kong transferred to the People’s Republic of China with Hong Kong designated the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC. Upon resumption of sovereignty to China, Hong Kong became subject to the Basic Law, which is…Read More


The Competition Ordinance

INTRODUCTION The Competition Ordinance (“Ordinance“), enacted on 14 June 2012, introduces a cross sector competition law in Hong Kong for the first time. The institutional provisions of the Ordinance will come into force first to enable the establishment of the Competition Commission (“Commission”), Competition Tribunal…Read More


Reserve Director

Are you a sole director and shareholder of a Hong Kong company? A board of directors generally exercise most of the powers of a company and in the case where there is only one director, that sole director is the only person who can exercise…Read More


Corporate Rescue in Hong Kong: What will it eventually look like?

Introduction Unlike many other common law jurisdictions, Hong Kong still lacks a statutory corporate rescue regime, despite a proposal for one first having been made by the Law Reform Commission in 1996 and a proposed bill containing a corporate rescue regime subsequently being introduced in…Read More


Tanner De Witt’s Employment and Restructuring and Insolvency teams ranked top in Hong Kong

The results of the Chambers Asia-Pacific 2015 legal rankings guide have been published and our Employment and Restructuring and Insolvency teams have been ranked in Band 1. We publish highlights of the rankings below: Employment (Band 1) What the team is known for: Renowned for…Read More


Supporting the Hong Kong Investment Funds Association

Tanner De Witt members attended the first Hong Kong Investment Funds Association New Year Dinner for the asset management industry this month. Mark Side, Russell Bennett, Jeff Lane, and Edmond Leung were joined by guests this February 2015.


Legal update: Visa requirements for US citizens taking evidence in Hong Kong

Hong Kong residents are sometimes asked to provide witness statements or depositions for use in the United States and attorneys from the United States may travel to Hong Kong to take such statements or depositions for use in proceedings in the United States. Generally, a…Read More


Tanner De Witt’s Fraud and Asset Tracing Consultant Jeff Lane Joins as Partner

Hong Kong law firm Tanner De Witt is delighted to announce that Jeff Lane has joined as Partner effective 1 January 2015. Jeff joined Tanner De Witt in January 2014 as a Consultant specialising in Commercial Litigation. The Fraud and Asset Tracing practice is a…Read More