
Tanner De Witt instructed on groundbreaking restructuring case: Kaisa Group Holdings Limited

Tanner De Witt (“TDW”) recently advised Kaisa Group Holdings Limited (“Kaisa”) in the multi-jurisdictional restructuring of the company’s offshore debt of approximately USD 2.6 billion (nearly RMB 17 billion).  Kaisa is a Cayman Islands incorporated company and is listed on the Main Board of the…Read More


IFLR recognises Tanner De Witt’s insolvency and restructuring team

Tanner De Witt is  delighted to confirm that Partners Ian De Witt and Robin Darton and Consultant Anthony Hill have been endorsed as Leading Lawyers for Restructuring and Insolvency following client and peer recommendations during IFLR1000’s 2017 Edition research process. IFLR has been ranking lawyers…Read More


An introduction to company mergers in Hong Kong

Introduction Generally speaking from a corporate law perspective a merger or amalgamation is a legal process under which the assets and liabilities of two or more companies merge and are brought under one of the original companies or a newly incorporated company (as the case…Read More


River Stone competes in Hong Kong Table Tennis Association Cup 2016

Congratulations to Partner River who competed in team 28 in the Hong Kong Table Tennis Association (HKTTA) Cup held at the Cornwall Street Squash and Table Tennis Centre in Kowloon Tong on Saturday 20 August. The HKTTA Cup is the highest-level table tennis game in Hong Kong…Read More


An introduction to the legal aspects of illegal betting

International and domestic crackdown on illegal gambling on the Euro 2016 Championship and the Copa d’America football competitions reached headlines that summer. In late July 2016 Hong Kong Police announced that HK$586 million was seized and 103 arrests were made during the European Championship from…Read More


Legal update: An introduction to the legal aspects of match-fixing in sport

As illegal gambling has grown so has the awareness by local and international law enforcement agencies of the link between illegal gambling, organized crime and match-fixing and the severity of the match fixing. For instance in 2014 fifteen of the member states of the Council…Read More


Asialaw 2016 Leading Lawyer results announced

Tanner De Witt congratulates five partners from three of its core practice areas on achieving Leading Lawyer status in Asialaw’s Leading Lawyers list published online today. Asialaw selected these Partners following an extensive survey of senior corporate executives, in-house counsel and private practice lawyers. The…Read More


Tanner De Witt puts up a good fight at Britcham & JLL 5-A-Side Corporate Football Tournament 2016

After a tough team selection process, Tanner De Witt was pleased to put out a strong side at the Britcham & JLL 5-A-Side Corporate Football Tournament this year. The event was held on Wednesday 10 August on the multi-surface pitches at the Hong Kong Football…Read More


Tanner De Witt shortlisted for four awards in The Macallan ALB Hong Kong Law Awards 2016

We are pleased to announce that we have been shortlisted for four awards in this year’s Macallan ALB Hong Kong Law Awards. The four awards categories are: Insolvency and Restructuring Law Firm of the Year BDO Limited Award Matrimonial Law Firm of the Year Labour…Read More


Legal update: Escaping the abscondee regime – Bankruptcy (Amendment) Ordinance 2016

A bankrupt’s successful 2006 Court of Appeal1  challenge to the “abscondee” provisions in the Bankruptcy Ordinance effectively forced LegCo to tighten up one of the loopholes plaguing the current legislation.  As a result, the Bankruptcy (Amendment) Ordinance became law earlier this year and will come…Read More